Sindangan Seafoods



After hours of traveling and exploring the twin cities of Dipolog and Dapitan in Zamboanga del Norte, a bus load of Davao media people were treated to Sindangan’s sutokil or sugba (grilled), towa or tinola (fish soup), and kil (kinilaw). Raw fillets of fish so tender soaked in the subtle sour sauce of the kinilaw proved to be a fitting appetizer for the feast. It must have been the coconut vinegar that made it so delicious. Having tasted quite a number of kinilaw done in different ways, Sindangan’s version way was a winner.

On the table were servings of large panga (jaw) grilled just right so that it was still juicy.

Good thing I saw the big fish after eating, or else I wouldn’t have been able to eat its schoolmate

The adobo squid meat was tender, showing that it was done right. Overdoing the squid would have made its meat chewy.

I hope you enjoy and go there to visit more food.

Sindangan seafood is very unique,grab It and enjoy.